[파일명: TestStringFindApp.cpp]------------------------------------------------
// Filename: TestStringFindApp.cpp
// Compile: cl /clr TestStringFindApp.cpp
// Execute: TestStringFindApp
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
void PrintArray(array<String^>^ arr);
bool Contains(String^ s)
return s->IndexOf("셋") >= 0;
int main(array<String^> ^args) {
array<String^>^ words = gcnew array<String^> { "하나", "둘", "셋", "넷", "다섯", "여섯" };
int where;
Console::Write("array: ");
where = Array::FindIndex(words, gcnew Predicate<String^>(Contains));
if (where >= 0) {
Console::Write("발견! ");
Console::WriteLine("Next word of 셋 in array: {0}", words[where+1]);
Console::Write("array: ");
where = Array::FindIndex(words, gcnew Predicate<String^>(Contains));
if (where >= 0) {
Console::Write("발견! ");
Console::WriteLine("Next word of 셋 in array: {0}", words[where+1]);
return 0;
void PrintArray(array<String^>^ arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr->Length - 1; i++) {
Console::Write("{0}, ", arr[i]);
if (arr->Length > 0)
Console::Write("{0}", arr[arr->Length - 1]);
컴파일> cl /clr testStringFindApp.cpp
실행> TestStringFindApp
array: [하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯]
발견! Next word of 셋 in array: 넷
array: [넷, 다섯, 둘, 셋, 여섯, 하나]
발견! Next word of 셋 in array: 여섯
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