
이진 파일을 읽어서 16진수로 보여주는 HexView 소스 with Visual BASIC

Scripter 2013. 8. 6. 21:52


Visual BASIC 언어 소스:

REM ============================================================================
REM  Filename: TestHexView_03.vb
REM   Compile: vbc TestHexView_03.vb
REM   Execute: TestHexView_03 [filename]
REM  Date: 2013. 8. 6.
REM ============================================================================

Imports System.IO

Public Class HexViewUtil

    Shared Sub PrintUsage()
        Console.WriteLine("Usage: TestHexView_03 [filename]")
    End Sub

    Shared Function ToHex(c As Integer)
        Dim s As String = ""
        Dim x1, x2 As Integer

        x1 = (c And &HF0) >> 4
        x2 = c And &H0F
        If x1 < 10 Then
            s = s & Chr(x1 + Asc("0"))
            s = s & Chr((x1 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        If x2 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x2 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x2 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        ToHex = s
    End Function

    Shared Function ToHex8(n As Integer)
        Dim s As String = ""
        Dim x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8 As Integer

        x1 = (n And &HF0000000) >> 28
        x2 = (n And &HF000000) >> 24
        x3 = (n And &HF00000) >> 20
        x4 = (n And &HF0000) >> 16
        x5 = (n And &HF000) >> 12
        x6 = (n And &HF00) >> 8
        x7 = (n And &HF0) >> 4
        x8 = n And &H0F

        If x1 < 10 Then
            s = s & Chr(x1 + Asc("0"))
            s = s & Chr((x1 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        If x2 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x2 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x2 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        If x3 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x3 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x3 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        If x4 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x4 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x4 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        s = s + " "
        If x5 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x5 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x5 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        If x6 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x6 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x6 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        If x7 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x7 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x7 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        If x8 < 10 Then
            s = s + Chr(x8 + Asc("0"))
            s = s + Chr((x8 - 10) + Asc("A"))
        End If
        ToHex8 = s
    End Function

    Shared Sub Main(args() as String)
        Dim fname = ""

        If args.Length < 1 Then
            Exit Sub 
            fname = args(0)
        End If

        If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(fname) Then
            Console.WriteLine("The path ""{0}"" is a directory.", fname)
            Exit Sub 
        End If

        If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(fname) = False Then
            Console.WriteLine("The file ""{0}"" does not exist.", fname)
            Exit Sub  
        End If

         Dim info As New FileInfo(fname)

         Dim fsize As Long = info.Length
        Console.WriteLine("The size of the file ""{0}"" is {1}.", fname, fsize)

        Dim inputFile = IO.File.Open(fname, IO.FileMode.Open)

        Dim bufferSize = 16
        Dim bytes = New Byte(bufferSize) {}

        Dim n = 0
        Dim m = 0
        Dim i = 0
        Dim j = 0
        Dim t = ""
        Dim c = 0

        While n < fsize
            m = inputFile.Read(bytes, 0, bufferSize)
            If n Mod 16 = 0 Then
                Console.Write("{0}: ", ToHex8(n))
            End If
            For i = 0 To m - 1
                c = bytes(i)
                If i = 7 Then
                    Console.Write("-{0}", ToHex(c))
                    Console.Write(" {0}", ToHex(c))
                End If
                If c - Asc(" ") < 0 Or c > &H7F Then
                    t = t + "."
                    t = t + Chr(c)
                End If
            Next i

            If m < 16 Then
                For j = 1 To 16 - m
                    Console.Write("   ")
                Next j
            End If
            Console.Write(" |{0}", t)
            t = ""
            If m < 16 Then
                For j = 1 To 16 - m
                    Console.Write(" ")
                Next j
            End If

            n = n + m
        End While


        Console.WriteLine("Read {0} bytes.", n)

    End Sub
End Class


실행 예 1> TestHexView_03 temp_1.bin
The size of the file "temp_1.bin" is 12.

0000 0000:  48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 74-68 65 72 65 0A             |Hello there.    |

Read 12 bytes.


실행 예 2> TestHexView_03 myFile.ser
The size of the file "myFile.ser" is 130.

0000 0000:  AC ED 00 05 73 72 00-06 50 65 72 73 6F 6E 07 31 |....sr..Person.1|
0000 0010:  46 DB A5 1D 44 AB 02-00 03 49 00 03 61 67 65 4C |F...D....I..ageL|
0000 0020:  00 09 66 69 72 73 74-4E 61 6D 65 74 00 12 4C 6A |..firstNamet..Lj|
0000 0030:  61 76 61 2F 6C 61 6E-67 2F 53 74 72 69 6E 67 3B |ava/lang/String;|
0000 0040:  4C 00 08 6C 61 73 74-4E 61 6D 65 71 00 7E 00 01 |L..lastNameq.~..|
0000 0050:  78 70 00 00 00 13 74-00 05 4A 61 6D 65 73 74 00 |xp....t..Jamest.|
0000 0060:  04 52 79 61 6E 73 71-00 7E 00 00 00 00 00 1E 74 |.Ryansq.~......t|
0000 0070:  00 07 4F 62 69 2D 77-61 6E 74 00 06 4B 65 6E 6F |..Obi-want..Keno|
0000 0080:  62 69                                           |bi              |

Read 130 bytes.