초등학교 때 배우던 두 정수의 곱셈표를 만들어 주는 F# 소스이다. 이 소스는 Python 소스를 F# 소스로 변환한 후 다시 OCaml 언어로 재작성한 것이라서 OCaml 의 명령형 언어 특징을 위주로 짜여져 있다.
* Filename: makeMultTable.ml
* Print a multiplication table.
* Execute: ocaml makeMultTable.ml 123 450
* Or
* Compile: ocamlc -o makeMultTable.exe makeMultTable.ml
* Execute: makeMultTable 230 5100
* Date: 2013. 2. 2).
* Author: pkim __AT__ scripts.pe.kr
exception ValueError of string
println "Using: ocaml makeMultTable.ml [number1] [number2]" ;
println "Print a multiplication table for the given two integers." ;;
let nx = ref x in
if !nx < 0 then
nx := - !nx ;
let ny = ref y in
if !ny < 0 then
ny := - !ny ;
let ntail1 = ref 0 in
let ntail2 = ref 0 in
while (!nx mod 10) = 0 do
nx := !nx / 10 ;
ntail1 := !ntail1 + 1
done ;
while !ny mod 10 = 0 do
ny := !ny / 10 ;
ntail2 := !ntail2 + 1
done ;
let z = !nx * !ny in
let strZ = sprintf "%d" z in
let strX = sprintf "%d" !nx in
let strY = sprintf "%d" !ny in
(* let n = String.length strY in *)
let zeros = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" in
let whites = " " in
let bars = "----------------------------------------" in
let loffset = " " in
let line4 = loffset ^ strZ in
let line1 = loffset ^ (String.sub whites 0 ((String.length strZ) - (String.length strX))) ^ strX in
let line2 = " x ) " ^ (String.sub whites 0 ((String.length strZ) - (String.length strY))) ^ strY in
let line3 = " --" ^ (String.sub bars 0 (String.length strZ)) in
println (line1 ^ (String.sub zeros 0 !ntail1)) ;
println (line2 ^ (String.sub zeros 0 !ntail2)) ;
println line3 ;
if (String.length strY) > 1 then begin
for i = 0 to ((String.length strY) - 1) do
let y1 = int_of_string (String.sub strY ((String.length strY) - i - 1) 1) in
if not (y1 = 0) then begin
let strT = sprintf "%d" (!nx * y1) in
println (loffset ^ (String.sub whites 0 ((String.length strZ) - (String.length strT) - i)) ^ strT)
done ;
println line3 ;
end ;
println (line4 ^ (String.sub zeros 0 !ntail1) ^ (String.sub zeros 0 !ntail2)) ;;
let cmdArgs = Sys.argv in
if (Array.length cmdArgs >= 3) then begin
let x = int_of_string (cmdArgs.(1)) in
let y = int_of_string (cmdArgs.(2)) in
println "" ;
printMultTable x y
else begin
printUsage() ;
컴파일> ocamlc -o makeMultTable.exe makeMultTable.ml
실행> makeMultTable 230 5100
1030 x ) 10020 -------- 206 103 -------- 10320600
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