ErLang 언어 소스:
% Filename: testHexView_03.erl
% Compile: erlc testHexView_03.erl
% Execute: erl -f [filename] -run testHexView_03 main -run init stop -noshell
% Date: 2013. 8. 24.
toHex(N) ->
X1 = (N band 16#F0) bsr 4,
X2 = N band 16#F,
S1 = if X1 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X1, 1);
X1 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X1 - 10, 1)
S2 = if X2 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X2, 1);
X2 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X2 - 10, 1)
S1 ++ S2.
toHex8(N) ->
X1 = (N band 16#F0000000) bsr 28,
X2 = (N band 16#F000000) bsr 24,
X3 = (N band 16#F00000) bsr 20,
X4 = (N band 16#F0000) bsr 16,
X5 = (N band 16#F000) bsr 12,
X6 = (N band 16#F00) bsr 8,
X7 = (N band 16#F0) bsr 4,
X8 = N band 16#F,
S1 = if X1 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X1, 1);
X1 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X1 - 10, 1)
S2 = if X2 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X2, 1);
X2 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X2 - 10, 1)
S3 = if X3 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X3, 1);
X3 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X3 - 10, 1)
S4 = if X4 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X4, 1);
X4 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X4 - 10, 1)
S5 = if X5 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X5, 1);
X5 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X5 - 10, 1)
S6 = if X6 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X6, 1);
X6 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X6 - 10, 1)
S7 = if X7 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X7, 1);
X7 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X7 - 10, 1)
S8 = if X8 < 10 -> string:chars($0 + X8, 1);
X8 >= 10 -> string:chars($A + X8 - 10, 1)
S1 ++ S2 ++ S3 ++ S4 ++ " " ++ S5 ++ S6 ++ S7 ++ S8.
raw_read_file(Path) ->
{ok, File} = file:open(Path, [read, binary]),
raw_read_loop(File, []).
raw_read_loop(File, Acc) ->
case file:read(File, 1024) of
{ok, Bytes} ->
raw_read_loop(File, [Acc | Bytes]);
eof ->
{error, Reason} ->
getHexStr(S, Offset, K, Cnt, T) ->
K =:= Cnt -> T;
K =/= Cnt -> C0 = if
K =:= 8 -> "-";
K =/= 8 -> " "
getHexStr(S, Offset, K + 1, Cnt, T ++ C0 ++ (toHex (binary:at(S, Offset + K))))
getDumStr(S, Offset, K, Cnt, T) ->
K =:= Cnt -> T;
K =/= Cnt -> X = binary:at(S, Offset + K),
A = if
(X < 16#20) or (X > 16#7F) -> $.;
true -> X
getDumStr(S, Offset, K + 1, Cnt, T ++ string:chars(A, 1))
printHexTable(S, Offset, Size) ->
case (Offset + 16) =< Size of
true -> io:fwrite("~s: ", [toHex8(Offset)]),
io:fwrite("~s", [getHexStr(S, Offset, 0, 16, "")]),
io:fwrite(" |~s|~n", [getDumStr(S, Offset, 0 ,16, "")]),
printHexTable(S, Offset + 16, Size);
_Else -> io:fwrite("~s: ", [toHex8(Offset)]),
io:fwrite("~s", [getHexStr(S, Offset, 0, Size - Offset, "")]),
io:fwrite("~s", [string:chars(16#20, 3*(16 - Size + Offset))]),
io:fwrite(" |~s", [getDumStr(S, Offset, 0, Size - Offset, "")]),
io:fwrite("~s|~n", [string:chars(16#20, 16 - Size + Offset)])
file_exist(Filename) ->
case file:read_file_info(Filename) of
{ok, _} -> true;
{error, enoent} -> false;
{error, Reason} -> io:format("~s is ~s~n", [Filename, Reason]),
main() ->
{ok, TMP} = init:get_argument(f),
Fname1 = lists:nth(1, TMP),
Fname = lists:nth(1, Fname1),
case filelib:is_dir(Fname) of
true -> io:format("\"~s\" is a directory.~n", [Fname]),
_Else -> io:format("")
case file_exist(Fname) of
false -> io:format("The file \"~s\" does not exist.~n", [Fname]),
true -> io:format("")
B = raw_read_file(Fname),
io:fwrite("The size of the file \"~s\" is ~w.~n~n", [Fname, size(B)]),
printHexTable(B, 0, size(B)),
io:fwrite("~nRead ~w bytes.~n", [size(B)]),
싱행 예 1> erl -f temp_1.bin -run testHexView_03 main -run init stop -noshell
The size of the file "temp_1.bin" is 12.
0000 0000: 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 74 68-65 72 65 0A |Hello there. |
Read 12 bytes.
싱행 예 1> erl -f myFile.ser -run testHexView_03 main -run init stop -noshell
The size of the file "myFile.ser" is 130.
0000 0000: AC ED 00 05 73 72 00 06-50 65 72 73 6F 6E 07 31 ||
0000 0010: 46 DB A5 1D 44 AB 02 00-03 49 00 03 61 67 65 4C |F...D....I..ageL|
0000 0020: 00 09 66 69 72 73 74 4E-61 6D 65 74 00 12 4C 6A |..firstNamet..Lj|
0000 0030: 61 76 61 2F 6C 61 6E 67-2F 53 74 72 69 6E 67 3B |ava/lang/String;|
0000 0040: 4C 00 08 6C 61 73 74 4E-61 6D 65 71 00 7E 00 01 |L..lastNameq.~..|
0000 0050: 78 70 00 00 00 13 74 00-05 4A 61 6D 65 73 74 00 |xp....t..Jamest.|
0000 0060: 04 52 79 61 6E 73 71 00-7E 00 00 00 00 00 1E 74 |.Ryansq.~......t|
0000 0070: 00 07 4F 62 69 2D 77 61-6E 74 00 06 4B 65 6E 6F |..Obi-want..Keno|
0000 0080: 62 69 |bi |
Read 130 bytes.
'프로그래밍 > ErLang' 카테고리의 다른 글
ErLang 언어로 역삼각함수, 역쌍곡선함수 값을 구하는 예제 (0) | 2013.01.03 |