Haskell 언어로도 (Python 언어 처럼) 복소수 게산과 분수 게산을 쉽게 할 수 있습니다,.
(1) Haskell 언어에서 복소수를 사용하려면 import Data.Complex 구문이 있어야 합니다.
복소수의 표현은 실수부 :+ 허수부 입니다.
(2) Haskell 언어에서 분수를 사용하려면 import Data.Ratio 구문이 있어야 합니다.
분수의 표현은 분자 % 분모 입니다.
(3) C 언어의 printf 나 Python 언어의 print 처럼 포맷 출력을 하려면 import Text.Printf 구문이 있어야 합니다.
아래에서 진한 글자체로 된 부분만 입력하고 엔터키를 누르면 됩니다.
(ghci 는 Glasgow Haskell 의 인터프리터이고,. ghc는 Glasgow Haskell 의 컴파일러입니다.)
$ ghci
GHCi, version 7.0.4: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
-- 몫과 나머지 구하기
Prelude> div 5 3
Prelude> mod 5 3
Prelude> divMod 5 3
Prelude> 5 `div` 3
Prelude> 5 `mod` 3
Prelude> 5 `divMod` 3
-- 분수 생성과 계산
Prelude> import Data.Ratio
Prelude Data.Ratio> 5 % 3
5 % 3
Prelude Data.Ratio> 5 % 3 * 2
10 % 3
Prelude Data.Ratio> 5 % 3 + 2
11 % 3
Prelude Data.Ratio> 5 % 3 + 2 % 3
7 % 3
-- 복소수 생성과 계산
Prelude Data.Ratio> import Data.Complex
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> 2 :+ 3
2.0 :+ 3.0
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> sqrt 2 :+ 3
1.4142135623730951 :+ 3.0
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> sqrt (2 :+ 3)
1.6741492280355401 :+ 0.8959774761298381
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> 2 :+ 3 * 2
2.0 :+ 6.0
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> 2 :+ 3 - 2
Precedence parsing error
cannot mix `:+' [infix 6] and `-' [infixl 6] in the same infix expressio
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> (2 :+ 3) - 2
0.0 :+ 3.0
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> (2 :+ 3) - 0:+2
Precedence parsing error
cannot mix `-' [infixl 6] and `:+' [infix 6] in the same infix expressio
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> (2 :+ 3) - (0:+2)
2.0 :+ 1.0
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> (2 :+ 3) * 0:+2
No instance for (RealFloat (Complex a0))
arising from a use of `:+'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (RealFloat (Complex a0))
In the expression: (2 :+ 3) * 0 :+ 2
In an equation for `it': it = (2 :+ 3) * 0 :+ 2
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> (2 :+ 3) * (0:+2)
(-6.0) :+ 4.0
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> conjugate 2 :+ 3
No instance for (RealFloat (Complex a0))
arising from a use of `:+'
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (RealFloat (Complex a0))
In the expression: conjugate 2 :+ 3
In an equation for `it': it = conjugate 2 :+ 3
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> conjugate (2 :+ 3)
2.0 :+ (-3.0)
relude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> 1 / 2 :+ 3
.5 :+ 3.0
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex> 1 / (2 :+ 3)
.15384615384615385 :+ (-0.23076923076923078)
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex>
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> let x = 2 :+ 5
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printf "x = %f + %fj\n" (realPart x) (imagPart x)
x = 2.0 + 5.0j
-- 복소수 츨력하기
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> let printComplex a = print ((show (
realPart a)) ++ " + " ++ (show (imagPart a)) ++ "j")
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex x
"2.0 + 5.0j"
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex (conjugate x)
"2.0 + -5.0j"
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex (sin x)
"67.47891523845588 + -30.879431343588244j"
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex (asin (sin x))
"1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j"
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex ((asin . sin) x)
"1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j"
-- 분수 츨력하기
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> let printFraction a = print ((show
(numerator a)) ++ "/" ++ (show (denominator a)))
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> let b = 2 % 3
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printFraction b
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printFraction (1/b)
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printFraction ((1/b)*2)
-- (인용 부호 없이) 분수 츨력하기
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> let printFraction a = printf "%d/%d
\n" (numerator a) (denominator a)
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printFraction b
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printFraction (1/b)
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printFraction ((1/b)*2)
-- (인용 부호 없이) 복소수 츨력하기
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> let printComplex a = printf "%f + %
fj\n" (realPart a) (imagPart a)
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex x
2.0 + 5.0j
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex (conjugate x)
2.0 + -5.0j
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex (sin x)
67.47891523845588 + -30.879431343588244j
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex (asin (sin x))
1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> printComplex ((asin . sin) x)
1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j
Prelude Data.Ratio Data.Complex Text.Printf> :q
Leaving GHCi.
※ 다음은 위에 입력한 내용들을 모아서 만든 Haskell 소스 파일입니다.
Filename: complexAndFraction.hs
Testing the expressions and calculations of complex numbers and fractions in Haskell.
Compile: ghc complexAndFraction.hs
Execute: ./complexAndFraction
Execute: runhaskell complexAndFraction.hs
module Main where
import Data.Complex
import Data.Ratio
import Text.Printf
{-# 복소수 출력하는 함수 #-}
printC :: (RealFloat a, Show a) => Complex a -> IO ()
printC a = print ((show (realPart a)) ++ " + " ++ (show (imagPart a)) ++ "j")
{-# 분수 출력하는 함수 #-}
printF :: (Integral a, Num a, Eq a, Show a) => Ratio a -> IO ()
printF a = print ((show(numerator a)) ++ "/" ++ (show (denominator a)))
{-# (인용 부호 없이) 복소수 출력하는 함수 #-}
-- printfFraction :: (PrintfArg a, Show a, Eq a, Integral a) => Ratio a -> IO ()
printFraction :: (Show a, Integral a) => Ratio a -> IO ()
printFraction a = printf "%s/%s\n" (show (numerator a)) (show (denominator a))
{-# (인용 부호 없이) 분수 출력하는 함수 #-}
-- printfComplex :: (Num a, RealFloat a, Show a, PrintfArg a) => Complex a -> IO ()
printComplex :: (Show a, RealFloat a) => Complex a -> IO ()
printComplex a = printf "%s + %sj\n" (show (realPart a)) (show (imagPart a))
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- 몫과 나머지 구하기
print (div 5 3)
print (mod 5 3)
print (divMod 5 3)
print (5 `div` 3)
print (5 `mod` 3)
print (5 `divMod` 3)
-- 분수 생성과 계산
print (5 % 3)
print (5 % 3 * 2)
print (5 % 3 + 2)
print (5 % 3 + 2 % 3)
-- 복소수 생성과 계산
print (2 :+ 3)
print (sqrt 2 :+ 3)
print (sqrt (2 :+ 3))
print (2 :+ 3 * 2)
print ((2 :+ 3) - 2)
print ((2 :+ 3) - (0:+2))
print ((2 :+ 3) * (0:+2))
print (conjugate (2 :+ 3))
print (1 / 2 :+ 3)
print (1 / (2 :+ 3))
let x = 2 :+ 5
printf "x = %s + %sj\n" (show (realPart x)) (show (imagPart x))
-- 복소수 츨력하기 --
printC x
printC (conjugate x)
printC (sin x)
printC (asin (sin x))
printC ((asin . sin) x)
-- 분수 츨력하기
let b = 2 % 3
printF b
printF (1/b)
printF ((1/b)*2)
-- (인용 부호 없이) 분수 츨력하기
printFraction b
printFraction (1/b)
printFraction ((1/b)*(2%1))
-- (인용 부호 없이) 복소수 츨력하기
printComplex x
printComplex (conjugate x)
printComplex (sin x)
printComplex (asin (sin x))
printComplex ((asin . sin) x)
5 % 3
10 % 3
11 % 3
7 % 3
2.0 :+ 3.0
1.4142135623730951 :+ 3.0
1.6741492280355401 :+ 0.8959774761298381
2.0 :+ 6.0
0.0 :+ 3.0
2.0 :+ 1.0
(-6.0) :+ 4.0
2.0 :+ (-3.0)
0.5 :+ 3.0
0.15384615384615385 :+ (-0.23076923076923078)
x = 2.0 + 5.0j
"2.0 + 5.0j"
"2.0 + -5.0j"
"67.47891523845588 + -30.879431343588244j"
"1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j"
"1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j"
2.0 + 5.0j
2.0 + -5.0j
67.47891523845588 + -30.879431343588244j
1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j
1.1415926535897933 + -5.0j
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