초등학교 때 배우는 두 정수의 곱셈표를 만들어 주는 C# 소스이다.
' Filename: MakeMultTableVB.bas
' Print a multiplication table.
' Compile: vbc MakeMultTableVB.bas
' Execute: MakeMultTableVB 230 5100
' Date: 2009/03/07
' Author: pkim (AT) scripts.pe.kr
' --------------------------------------------
Imports System
Namespace MyTestApplication1
Class MakeMultTableApp
Shared Sub PrintUsing()
Console.WriteLine("Using: MakeMultTableApp [number1] [number2]")
Console.WriteLine("Print a multiplication table for the given two integers.")
End Sub
Shared Sub PrintMultTable(x As long, y As long)
DIM nx As long = x
DIM ny As long = y
If nx < 0 Then nx = - nx
If ny < 0 Then ny = - ny
DIM ntail1 As int32 = 0
DIM ntail2 As int32 = 0
While nx Mod 10 = 0
nx = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Floor(nx / 10))
ntail1 = ntail1 + 1
End While
While ny MOD 10 = 0
ny = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Floor(ny / 10))
ntail2 = ntail2 + 1
End While
Dim z As long = nx * ny
Dim strZ As String = "" & z
Dim strX As String = "" & nx
Dim strY As String = "" & ny
Dim n As Integer = Len(strY)
Dim zeros As String = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Dim whites As String = " "
Dim bars As String = "----------------------------------------"
Dim line1 As String, line2 As String, line3 As String, line4 As String
Dim loffset As String = " "
line4 = loffset & strZ
line1 = loffset & Mid(whites, 1, Len(strZ) - Len(strX)) & strX
line2 = " x ) " & Mid(whites, 1, Len(strZ) - Len(strY)) & strY
line3 = " --" & Mid(bars, 1, Len(strZ))
Console.WriteLine(line1 & Mid(zeros, 1, ntail1))
Console.WriteLine(line2 & Mid(zeros, 1, ntail2))
If Len(strY) > 1 Then
Dim y1 As Integer
Dim strT As String
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(strY) - 1
y1 = Convert.ToInt32(Mid(strY, Len(strY) - i, 1))
If y1 <> 0 Then
strT = "" & (nx * y1)
Console.WriteLine(loffset & Mid(whites, 1, Len(strZ) - Len(strT) - i) & strT)
End If
End If
Console.WriteLine(line4 & Mid(zeros, 1, ntail1) & Mid(zeros, 1, ntail2))
End Sub
' Java 언어의 main 메소드에 해당하는 Visual Basic의 Main
Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
DIM x As long, y As long
If args.Length >= 2 Then
x = Convert.ToInt64(args(0))
y = Convert.ToInt64(args(1))
PrintMultTable(x, y)
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
컴파일> vbc MakeMultTableVB.bas
실행> MakeMultTableVB 230 5100
230 x ) 5100 ------ 23 115 ------ 1173000
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