초등학교 때 배우는 두 정수의 곱셈표를 만들어 주는 C# 소스이다.
* Filename: MakeMultTableApp.cs
* Print a multiplication table.
* Compile: csc MakeMultTableApp.cs
* Execute: MakeMultTableApp 230 5100
* Date: 2009/03/07
* Author: pkim (AT) scripts.pe.kr
using System;
namespace MyTestApplication1 {
public class MakeMultTableApp {
public static void PrintUsing() {
Console.WriteLine("Using: MakeMultTableApp [number1] [number2]");
Console.WriteLine("Print a multiplication table for the given two integers.");
public static void PrintMultTable(long x, long y) {
long nx = (x >= 0) ? x : - x;
long ny = (y >= 0) ? y : - y;
int ntail1 = 0;
int ntail2 = 0;
while (nx % 10 == 0) {
nx = nx / 10;
while (ny % 10 == 0) {
ny = ny / 10;
long z = nx * ny;
String strZ = "" + z;
String strX = "" + nx;
String strY = "" + ny;
int n = strY.Length;
String zeros = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
String whites = " ";
String bars = "----------------------------------------";
String line1, line2, line3, line4;
String loffset = " ";
line4 = loffset + strZ;
line1 = loffset + whites.Substring(0, strZ.Length - strX.Length) + strX;
line2 = " x ) " + whites.Substring(0, strZ.Length- strY.Length) + strY;
line3 = " --" + bars.Substring(0, strZ.Length);
Console.WriteLine(line1 + zeros.Substring(0, ntail1));
Console.WriteLine(line2 + zeros.Substring(0, ntail2));
if (strY.Length > 1) {
int y1;
String strT;
for (int i = 0; i < strY.Length; i++) {
y1 = Convert.ToInt32(strY.Substring(strY.Length - i - 1, 1));
if (y1 != 0) {
strT = "" + (nx * y1);
Console.WriteLine(loffset + whites.Substring(0, strZ.Length - strT.Length - i) + strT);
Console.WriteLine(line4 + zeros.Substring(0, ntail1) + zeros.Substring(0, ntail2));
public static void Main(String[] args) {
long x, y;
if (args.Length >= 2) {
x = Convert.ToInt64(args[0]);
y = Convert.ToInt64(args[1]);
PrintMultTable(x, y);
else {
컴파일> csc MakeMultTableApp.cs
실행> MakeMultTableApp 230 5100
230 x ) 5100 ------ 23 115 ------ 1173000
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